Virtually all rubber hose compresses (cold flow) after installation of clamping device, resulting in an almost immediate torque loss that can exceed 80% of installation torque. Similarly, virtually all metal connections expand as a system heats up, and then contracts as the system cools. Conventional worm gear, T-bolt, and other clamps are passive, in that expansion or contraction of components cannot be compensated for with out re-tightening or loosening the clamps. This clamping system is an “active” clamping mechanism, which monitors and then compensates for the changes by actually changing diameter through a unique worm gear Belleville assembly. 3 Year Warranty.
Min: 10-11/32″
Max: 11-7/32″
KMS Part# TRC 73010000
DMP Part# 24-3774
Vendor # 73010000
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